25-Year-Old Woman Achieves 47kg Weight Loss with Basic Diet Adjustment

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Samantha Abreu, a 25-year-old nurse from Australia, lost about 47 kilograms in just one year by changing her diet. It might seem hard to believe!

Samantha has shared her journey of losing weight, which might make you rethink how simple changes can help with weight loss. Sometimes, we overlook easy ways to improve our health. Things like walking and eating fresh, healthy food can help manage weight.

According to a report from the New York Post, Samantha used to weigh 115 kilograms, and only adjusting her exercise routine and diet plan helped her shed the weight.

Samantha told the news that she didn’t enjoy exercising when she was young and often ate a lot of toast and cereal after dinner.

What made her decide to lose weight?

Samantha explained that she struggled to do her job well because she was always tired. When the lockdown happened, she began taking walks every day and noticed it made her feel better emotionally.

Being overweight means having too much body weight because of eating too much and not moving enough. It can cause health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and joint pain. Feeling physically tired all the time is called physical exhaustion. It happens when you push yourself too hard, don’t rest enough, or have health issues. Being overweight and feeling exhausted can make it hard to do daily things and enjoy life. It’s important to live a balanced life and see a doctor if you’re not feeling well.

Samantha found a way to lose weight: she walks 10,000 steps every day, runs 5 kilometers a week, and goes to the gym four times a week.

Walking 10,000 steps each day is a good way to lose weight. It burns calories, speeds up metabolism, and helps keep a healthy weight. Walking also makes muscles stronger, which helps burn calories even when resting. It controls hunger, so you don’t eat too much.

Samantha changed her eating habits to lose weight. Instead of regular pizza, she eats wrap pizza. She has oats with fruit for breakfast, chicken for lunch and dinner – Greek chicken pasta for lunch and chicken wrap pizza for dinner.

Eating smaller portions is also important for losing weight. It helps control how many calories you eat. Eating smaller portions makes you more aware of how much you eat and stops you from eating too much. This way, you can enjoy food while eating healthier. It also helps keep blood sugar levels steady and stops cravings.

Losing weight is important for staying healthy. Being overweight increases the chances of getting diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some cancers. Losing weight helps improve blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of these diseases.

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